SELF TEST SELF TREATMENT - Find out which organs are weakened or sick how high your entire blood picture is, whether vitamins and harmful substances are present and what you are allergic to. You do not need instructions or knowledge of medicine. By simply holding sensors in your palm of your hand, health data is captured within 1 minute of different body systems and 47 reports with more than 300 health parameters. Then do therapy yourself and recover cells, tissues and organs. The Medicomat-29 Quantum Health Computer System includes high-tech innovation projects in the fields of bioinformatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Based on quantum resonance as a theoretical basis, advanced electronic devices are used to capture the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis to analyse and determine the health status and main problems of the person being d, and provide standard prevention recommendations. It can provide highly detailed 47 health reports with more than 300 health parameters, as you can see in Depending on the health condition, there may be suggestions for improving health. Computer acupuncture therapy provides massage through acupuncture points in protruding parts of the body and restores the functions of the pathological organs. The fully automatic treatment with Medicomat performs an automatic selection of acupuncture points on the ear, hand and foot. Simply insert the electrodes and Medicomat automatically finds and treats everything you need. The ease of use and high efficiency of the device ensure the first positive effects of therapy within 10 minutes.
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